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Eating Disorders
Re: My friend is Bulimic
Posted By: heather In Response To: My friend is Bulimic (Mark)
Date: Monday, 7 November 2005, at 3:54 p.m.
Well im 13 years old and im really scared for my friendshe will be 14 in June also in june she will be a vegatarein for one year! Im really scared for her beacause when she dosent know shes eating meat and she finds out she just did she will make her self throw up she also said one day that she only dose it when she eats something she dosent like but one day we were at the mall and some place was giving out free samples and she took the chicken and the pork she eats chicken but thinking the pork was chicken she ate it after she ate it i told her what it was then later i found out that when she got home she threw up! She has told me that shes only done it 3 times but i dont think can trust her if u could tell me what i could do i would be so greatful! i have been thinking about telling some1 but i dont want every1 to think im a drama queen or a backstaber plzz help me!
heather (www.hcoppol@yahoo.com), Fulton, NY
Friday, May 14, 2004 at 18:53:18
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