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Eating Disorders
Re: bulimia
Posted By: Bree In Response To: Re: bulimia ( elizabeth) (kiki)
Date: Monday, 13 November 2006, at 8:38 a.m.
I am 42 years old. When I was in college I use to be an exercise bulimic. I would run, swim and do the exercise bike for hours. Sometimes I would just run in place in my room. When I was about 21 I started to make myself throw up. On and off for years after that I would go through boughts of binging and purging, taking laxatives. There were a few times when I went years without purging, but about 10 years ago I went through a really bad time in my life and I started up again. Now I look back over the last 6 years at least and the longest I have gone without purging was about 3 months. I am trying my hardest to quit now...it is a daily struggle. The thing I guess I want to get across to all of you is this. Not all bulimics are thin. I myself could really stand to lose some weight...the problem is that my metabolism is so screwed up now from all this that every year it gets harder and harder for me to lose weight. Also when I am "good" and not purging I tend to be able to lose weight and when I am "bad" I either stay the same or sometimes even gain. Some of the heath problems I have had are my hair falls out, my joints hurt, I have numbing in my face, I get chest pains. I know that if I do not get this under control eventually it will probably kill me. My biggest fear is that one day my son will come home from school and find me dead. Please, all of you are young...stop this now. It is not worth it. I have been through therapy twice and I really need to go back. I think a treatment center would be best for me, but I am ashamed and embarrassed about it. Plus because I am not thin I feel like I am almost a failure at being a bulimic and people would judge me for that. I would just like to stop and feel what it is like to be normal...that's really all I would like.
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