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There is no professional intervention, and it is not intended to be psychological treatment or education. For HotLine help, especially for suicidal feelings, try 1.800.SUICIDE (784.2433). Also dialing 211 can refer you to help in many areas of the US. HotLine for Eating Disorders is 1.800.931.2237
Eating Disorders
Re: ED
Posted By: Taylor In Response To: ED (Lenzi)
Date: Monday, 7 November 2005, at 4:14 p.m.
o anyone who is dealing with ed's or with a friend who is: Please i beg of you, what do i do. It's 2am and i can't stop thinking about my best friend who lives hundreds of miles away. She is so sick and there is nothing i feel like i can do about it. We lived in Japan togetherfor 7 months dancing in a show for Tokyo Disney when she got sick. I watched her go from about 130 pounds 5'8 to now she wouln't even get on the scale but i know she can't way more thatn 100 pounds. I have held her in my arms at times and felt every bone ui her body poke out to wear she is to bonyt to hold. I have tried telling her family where she is now that she needs help immidiatly or she will die but for some reasone her mom thinks that she can talk some sense into her. hew mom and family do care but i am afraid that they will be to late. they love her very much but if she keeps lying to them and telling them that she is ok then waht? i am in florida and she is in canada and i can't be there to hold her and tell her i love her and that it will be ok and that there is a reasone to live and it breaks my heart. i know she is throwing up but that is the one thing she wouln't talk to me about. i have been on every web site trying to find somewhere she can get some help in canada. but i am at a stoping point. any where close costs more many than they have and are saying that she must pass out first before beeing checked in.(so do girls have to be almost dead to get help?)does she need counceling only, or does she need a hospital. everysimptom i have ever read screams her name for ed's. so that brings me to here at this web stie. i am crying out like the rest of you for an answer. would someone please e mail me and let me know if there is any more i can do????? and to all of you who are feeling sad and depressed tonight or day or morning and feel like they can't go on...remember that someone out there loves you and is praying everyday for you to feel there love. and that you are beautiful just the way you are and that you are sooooo special to many people...and you know what- I LOVE YOU, just because i know that you are amazing just for being on this web sight.
good night...
Taylor Tuttle (Tuliptay@hotmail.com)
Monday, March 15, 2004 at 00:57:49
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