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There is no professional intervention, and it is not intended to be psychological treatment or education. For HotLine help, especially for suicidal feelings, try 1.800.SUICIDE (784.2433). Also dialing 211 can refer you to help in many areas of the US. HotLine for Eating Disorders is 1.800.931.2237
Eating Disorders
Re: My friend is Bulimic
Posted By: Mubeen In Response To: My friend is Bulimic (Mark)
Date: Monday, 7 November 2005, at 4:23 p.m.
Hi all,i was just going through the comments,anyways i have a problem.I am going to be 21 on 27th feb.I have a bf and ive been going around with him for 3 years.IM in college now.Ive been very depressed about my weight.My bf is too thin,he's 5'9 n weighs 50kgs.He's skinny.Im 5'2 and weigh 119 lbs.i was 126 lbs 3 months back.Ive been going to a slimming center n ive been on a diet so ive lost 6 lbs.The problem is im sick,my bf keeps telling me other girls in college look good n he keeps admiring them,he knows i have an inferiority complex about my looks,yet he goes on admiring n gawking at other girls.i love him too much to let go of him,i know it sounds stupid.im under pressure to look like a model or someone who's skinny.im short n he's tall.well the girls he gawks at are tall n thin.i really dont know what to do,i want to look thin and beautiful.i feel too tired now,i havent been eating properly-i dont have an eating disorder.Its just that im sick of being told im not good looking enough and that my ass is sticking out.im 34-30-35.well its killing me,i am very depressed,could anybody tell me what to do?im thinking of joining a gym so that i lose more,i want to be 110 lbs.PLEASE HELP....
Mubeen (mubeenadeni@yahoo.com), India
Friday, February 20, 2004 at 22:04:34
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