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There is no professional intervention, and it is not intended to be psychological treatment or education. For HotLine help, especially for suicidal feelings, try 1.800.SUICIDE (784.2433). Also dialing 211 can refer you to help in many areas of the US. HotLine for Eating Disorders is 1.800.931.2237
Eating Disorders
Re: binging and purging
Posted By: Wanita In Response To: Re: binging and purging (shay)
Date: Monday, 7 November 2005, at 4:29 p.m.
Ladies and Gentlement, Eating disorders begin as a desire to look like the people that everybody loves. But even the models and movie stars are trying to look like other people that everybody loves. Above is a great website, a good place to start getting better. I am a recovered bulemirexic. Now, in my early thirties, I no longer have any back teeth. They have all rotted from exposure to lactic acid and poor nutrition has lowered my intellectual function. I don't look through fashion magazines, I don't look at the women on t.v., I don't look at my skinny-unhappy friends. I look at art from last century and the centuries before. Women were loved for their soft curves. They were comfortable to hug. I look at women I admire most. NONE of them, are hung up on their weight. We are all so vain that we feel our body shape is the most tragic thing in the world. And that we must spend all of our days making ourselves miserable exercising until we sweat blood. Meanwhile, people are starving to death in our own country, people get brain tumors out of the blue, people are paralized by freak accidents everyday, women are #####d, kids are having babies.... Read, Read, Read, write down your thoughts, paint out your thoughts, feed the poor, visit the old...do anything to resist the movement (idolotry- boob implants; liposuction; facial reconstruction) life is not about being thin and beautiful, you'll miss the ride if you frame the ticket. Do something to change your circumstances. Stand up for your rights to be who you are. Instead of what the media say's you should be. By the way, everyone between the ages of 13-30 feel awkward and confussed about who they are. No one escapes it. So you are not alone. Life gets better. Feed your brain.
Wanita (lawavest@yahoo.com), Yulee, FL
Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 14:33:54
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