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Apology Project

I'm sorry to you all.

Posted By: AnneMarie
Date: Monday, 26 September 2005, at 4:46 a.m.

I'm sorry for making my mom worry about me then acting like I don't care that she cares. I'm sorry about almost dragging her into depression as well. I'm sorry that I think my dad hates me. I'm sorry that I hate my sister and she hates me because I'm different. I'm sorry that I hate myself. I'm sorry that I can't do anything I want to do at all. I'm sorry that my life is controlled by my thoughts way more than any life should be controlled. I'm sorry that I have no friends. I'm sorry that I can't save all the animals. I'm sorry that I am never going to get better. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry to anyone I ever hurt. I'm sorry to A.B. and A.P. for not being there when they needed me. I'm sorry to A.F. for not being myslef in public. I'm sorry to B.W. for saying no. I'm sorry to C.A. for not wanting to talk to you anymore. I'm sorry to everyone I ever met for having to know me. I'm sorry to myself for being such a crazy person. And I'm sorry for anyone who read this. SORRY WORLD!!!!!!!!

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