Teen OCD
Posted By: Sonia.
Date: Wednesday, 7 June 2006, at 1:13 p.m.
Hello I have OCD I have started the medication I was on before. I have actually started to take longer to do things when I was on the other pills. I hope you are recieving the help you need. I have started scratching my arms with sharp things because I feel I shoud suffer for what I put everyone through. I really just can't help what I do. It makes me feel alright when I touch things. I hope that you all get better and if you are on medication that it helps you. I really hope they can find something that can stop it and then it won't keep coming back and effect what you do. I am finding it hard at school at the moment and I have to see doctors and take medicine and see other workers and a lot of people know about me but they don't understand what is going on and even I don't know sometimews what I am doing. I hope you can all get better. God Bless you all. Sonia.
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