Teen OCD
Posted By: Amelia
Date: Monday, 17 July 2006, at 4:38 a.m.
Hi. My name is Amelia and I am 14 years old. I have had symptoms of OCD for about 2 years now. I hate OCD. It has ruined my life. My entire life centers around OCD. I have constant fears of contamination. I wash my hands over 10 times each day. I cannot stand things that are dirty or "contaminated." I will wash clothes up to 3 times before wearing if I feel I did not take it out of the washer correctly, or all the deterget is not completly rinsed out of my clothes,or I didn't hang them up in my closet "just right." I take up to 3 showers per day. If my OCD gets really bad I start to think about suicide. I haven't told my parents only my best friend Amanda because I can talk to her; but since she doesn't have OCD she can't really relate. I will constantly replay things in my head to make sure I did it "right" and make sure I didn't "contaiminate" something. I admit I need help but I am afraid of telling my parents because I feel like they might not accept me for having OCD. I need to talk to somebody who also has OCD. Please e-mail me. Thanks.
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