Teen OCD
I'm not sure anymore.
Posted By: Ashley
Date: Thursday, 11 June 2009, at 5:29 p.m.
I am 16. I am fat. I am extremely shy. I am ugly.
I'm not going to get anywhere in life so why should I keep living? I have tried to be more optimistic but it didn't work. My parents are divorced. I lived with my mom for awhile then I chose to live with my dad. I wish I stayed with my mom. I am fixing to go to Virginia with my mom and step dad but my dad is only going to give me $160.00 to take with me. I know a lot of kids don't even get that and I don't want to sound like a brat but he could give me more and take it out of my next check. I don't understand this world. On Myspace today some girl on one of the applications you can install (bumper stickers- i had put a graphic that said 'do you ever wish you were never born?') on your profile said 'u emo freak' and I asked her about it and she said she doesn't care if someone went and killed themselves. I'm not what they call 'emo' I hate that stereotype (and all others) with a passion. I really, really wish I could escape.
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