VICTORIAN OLD TALES OF "TREATMENT & CURE" The remedy for recovery from "habitual drunkenness" was well known and recorded by several authors. The following Receipt came into use in England, through John Vine Hall, who was the father of the celebrated divine, Rev. Newman Hall, and of Capt. Vine Hall, of the Great Eastern. After habitual Drunkenness, for a long time, he finally succeeded in curing himself by this prescription, of an eminent physician: A. W. Chase, M. D., 1881"Sulphate of iron, 5 grs.; magnesia 10 grs.; peppermint water, 11 drs.; and spirit of nutmeg, 1 dr.; the whole taken twice, daily. It is tonic and spirit stimulant, and has proved beneficial in numerous cases, there; but I am not aware of its having been used in the United States, yet it can not hurt any one; and if anybody needs help, it is him who has become a slave to his appetite for strong drink, and desires to abandon its use. When drinking was stopped the person could experience stomach trouble and anxiety. A mixture that included ammonia was a remedy. DO NOT TRY!! To Remedy the Effects of Dram-drinking—Whoever makes the attempt to abandon spirit-drinking will find, from time to time, a ranking in the stomach, with a sensation of sinking, coldness and inexpressible anxiety. This may be relieved by taking often a cupful of an infusion of cloves made by steeping about an oz. of them in a pint of boiling water for 6 hours, and then straining off the liquor, or from a teaspoonful to a tablespoon of elixir of valerianate of ammonia. In a state of permanent languor and debility, 1 ½ oz. of the cascarilla bark (being first bruised in a mortar), should be added to the infusion. This mixture taken in the quantity above specified 3 times a day will be found a useful strengthener of the stomach and bowels when they have been disordered by frequent excess and intoxication. Henry Hartshorne, M. D., 1871
Avoid drinking while you are warm: or Drink only a
small quantity at once, and let it remain a short time
in the mouth before you swallow it: or Grasp the
vessel out of which you are about to drink (provided
it is made of glass, earthen-ware, or metal) for a few
minutes, with both your hands: for each of these
substances conveys off a portion of the heat of the
body, into the cold liquor; and thereby lessens the
dangers which arise from the excessive heat of the
body, and cold water, before you drink. Hutchins Almanack, 1809 Printing permission granted by Judy Baker, Author of "Other Little Known Information."