HOBSON: Cradle of Thought (M. Silverman)
KEENAN et al.: Face in the Mirror (M. Silverman)
GREENSPAN & SHANKER: The First Idea (A. Aragno)
SCHLESINGER: Texture of Treatment (Two Reviews: F. Busch and E. Jurist)
DIMEN & GOLDNER: Gender in Analytic Space (R. Fischer)
SEELIG, PAUL, LEVY: Woman’s Power (J. Roiphe)
MENDELL & TURRINI: Inner World of Mother (E. Schuker)
WINER & ANDERSON: Homosexualities (R. Kertzner)
MOSS: Hating in the First Person Plural (E. Samberg)
MOLLON: Shame and Jealousy (B. Kilborne)