Welcome to the Resources Page
This page will include links to additional resources relevant to our Creation Of A Self: Color And Trauma In The Life Of A Child Public Forum. This page will be continually underconstruction as we new resources are developed and discovered. If you know of a web-site or resource that would be relevant here please contact our site web-editor -- we appreciate the information.
Instructional Video
An edited videotape of the Public Forum Creation Of A Self: Color And Trauma In The Life Of A Child is now available.
What: This is 45 minute VHS videotape showing highlights from the 2 1/2 hour forum. It includes teaching aids such as talking points written by Dr. Leon Hoffman, Chairperson of the APsaA Committee on Public Information.
Who: This tape is recommended for use with psychoanalytic colleagues, in an educational program for students or others, and in professional education programs on the psychoanalytic perspective on topics such as violence and racial trauma and their effects on the development of self-concept.
How: If you want to order the VHS format video, please send $10.00 to:
The American Psychoanalytic Foundation :
C/O Nadine Levinson, DDS, Treasurer
30131 Town Center, Ste. 216
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Phonel: 949.495-3332
E-Mail: American Psychoanalytic Foundation
If you interested in reading more on the topic, the Committe on Racial and Ethnic Diversity (CORED) of the American Psychoanalytic Association, has prepared a bibliography
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Site also made possible by the Committee on Public Information of the
American Psychoanalytic AssociationSite design and implementation by the Web Developmental Team of The Psychoanalytic Connection, Inc.